
Our Interior
designing Studio.

Architects first, we are a design and quality focused Home Interior Studio. We understand spaces and the comfort, convenience it can provide if designed well.

We know different materials, textures, colors and transformation they can provide when used appropriately and cohesively.

With our experience of 22 years, we have the capabilities to resolve and maneuver constraints that atypical house can present. In a market deluged with varied products and craftsmanship, we have the expertise to pick up the best.

We empathize with our customers functional needs, their sense of solitude or family togetherness and their aesthetic aspirations. Have detailed discussions understanding their requirements.

And endeavor to give the best experience, through our end-to-end Interior Design solutions including execution.

Thus, transforming a house into a home within the realm of Simplicity, minimalism and Personalisation.

Our Vision

To provide access to great design and quality products through a simplified process to as many people


Our Mission


To establish an elaborate and simple  design process that

▪Engages the customers, giving them a customised experiential journey

▪curates’ distinctive interior options for societies yet giving a unique impression to each home

▪Provides a full-proof framework that prevents customers from making any mistake in their selections

▪defines the project management’s sequential work-flow.

Experts team member
Ready for your services.


Neha Sureka


Neha is a management graduate and a seasoned business development professional, having worked in Internet and Media companies, primarily in Naukri.Com, HT Media for 16 years.


Vishal Sureka

CEO & Co-founder

An Architect from IIT Kharagpur, Vishal has extensive experience in managing and designing large residential projects at Total Environment Building Systems Pvt. Ltd. He owned two large Residential projects at Bangalore as the CEO.


Sachin Shetty

Associate Director- Project Management

Project Chief by profession, Automation lead by passion, Sales advisor by experience, Sachin dons many hats at Simplécede.


Sagar Vijaynidhi

Senior Associate-Architect

Addressed as ‘bro’ by his team, Sagar, our lead architect is a Mentor in the truest sense.

A few words from our happy customers...