
Our Team

Team showcase


Vishal Sureka


An Architect from IIT Kharagpur, Vishal has extensive experience in managing and designing large residential projects at Total Environment Building Systems Pvt. Ltd. He owned two large Residential projects at Bangalore as the CEO. With his keen eye to detail, impressive nuances in designing, architecture, specifications and project management, Vishal co-founded Simplécede aspiring to deliver great designs. Besides he loves long walks and researching about automobiles.




Neha is a management graduate and a seasoned business development professional, having worked in Internet and Media companies, primarily in Naukri.Com, HT Media for 16 years. She has had business grown both in existing portfolios and ab-initio projects. Besides she has a zest for words, verses and writing with a keen eye for artistic creativity. With her experience, coupled with her interests she aspires for Simplécede’s brand-building, growth and scalability.


Sachin Shetty

Associate Director- Project Management

Project Chief by profession, Automation lead by passion, Sales advisor by experience, Sachin dons many hats at Simplécede.  With a Btech Civil from NIT Suratkal and 8 year experience in deliveries, he is building systems and process for financial ease, quality checks, customer service. Thus, aspiring for Simplécede’s scalability and Brand worth. Besides, when he is not being a geek he reads or wanders off on riding/trekking expeditions. Only to return for some sumptuous cooking.


Sagar Vijaynidhi

Senior Associate-Architect

Addressed as ‘bro’ by his team, Sagar, our lead architect is a Mentor in the truest sense. With a BArch from the University School of Design, he has dabbled in a wide range of architectural, interior and landscape projects in retail, residential and educational sectors within a short span of 7 years career. He believes and evangelizes  minimalist, functional and a holistic design approach. Thus promoting the importance of purposeful-design at Simplécede. When not designing, he detaches himself with travels and music, Given his creative streak, we are gearing him up for content writing too.


Shihabudheen KK

Senior Architect

Give him a home to design, he takes a power nap! Only to wake up with ideas galore. He grabs the grub, puts on some music, takes up his space and comes up with the finest details, most times delivering over and above the required mandate.


Mumin K Raja

Senior Architect

With just a little short of computing speed, he dishes out designs in a jiffy, plays games like a maverick, watches animation with a passion. A silent hustler, always with a ‘Yes’, eagerness to learn, and discipline intact, he is our very Mr. dependable.


Rithika Sumangalam


The First to order anything and everything for us, junk food, hand creams, you name it.

Eager to learn, quick to absorb, she is our expert at measurements and dimensions. Diligent in her approach, she designs with a pen, records everything in a notebook.

When not designing, she is busy in the kitchen whipping up a sumptuous meal or baking a decadent cake.


Revathi Kumari


She is happiest, when there is creativity around, sketch apps are on screen, fingers are dribbling to create artworks. Our design expert doesn’t need anything around when she is at her artistic best, except for dangling headsets and maybe a bag of potato chips.


Manoj Sharma

Lead Craftsmen

Master and lover of his woodcraft, he resolves the site’s curveballs with a calm, composed demeanour. Though less often, but when he smiles, he has the best smile. Exudes an innocence not to be mistaken for naivety, coz when he leads his men, he gets the best out of them. Basically when he is around, we are assured that all is well!


Ajay Kumar

Junior Engineer

He works without a noise and speaks with immense poise even in most hectic site environment. Eager to learn, enthusiastic to prove, our hustler achieves best, when under pressure.


Kiran Kumar

General Manager - Operations

Civil was his love at first site, and now Site is his first Love.

Come any day or hour, he can move from one site to another travelling miles with a constant smile. He fixes, refixes without a glitch and ensures the customer is in a delight. Wonder without him what would be our plight.


Swathi Keshav

Senior Manager- Operations

Name a product, ask for a price and you receive it in a jiffy. She plays with no.s  and is our one stop shop for operations, procurement and  accountancy.  Surrounded by invoices, receipts, catalogues, she works like an engine and maintains calm, listening to some soulful music through her ear-plugged headphones



Facilities Manager

Discoverer of all good things, from office space, printing shops to stationary, artifacts, gifts he is our man-Friday. Always eager, always enthu to suggest the right and contribute his best , we do not know what we would do without him.
